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Little Pod

Charity Number is CV-01-049800-A and our NIF/CIF is G-54606074 Little Pod Association Charity has been founded in memory of a very special 'Little Pod'
Our mission is to reduce the numbers of suffering animals and give them the second chance they all deserve in a new and loving home. It's the 21st Century and this behaviour and cruelty still exists. Let's hope Govenors and Parliaments start taking notice and enforce the Laws that have been set to protect these animals.
Company Overview
Little Pod Association is a registered charity dedicated to helping abandoned and mistreated animals in need. We spend our days saving abandoned and abused animals in Spain from the streets. We will try and help any animal that needs it. In most cases veterinarian treatment is required, along with vaccinations, blood tests, microchips, neutering, food and shelter. We raise money to pay for their treatments and they receive all the love they need. When they have fully recovered we will re-home them to loving homes where they no longer live in fear or pain.
We also neuter/spay any animal we have contact with. We make sure they receive all blood tests, vaccinations, a microchip and a European Passport if they are travelling abroad.
General information
Although we have been rescuing and helping animals for over 2 years, in January 2012 we became a fully registered charity.

Our Charity Number is CV-01-049800 and our NIF/CIF is G-54606074

Our website address is

Donations can be made via Paypal on our website or by Bank transfer using the the following details:
Bank: BBVA
Bank Account Name: Little Pod Association
Bank Account Number: 0201517098
IBAN Number: ES6001824487020201517098

Los Balcones