Complejo Terrace - 2 Cats Brutally Assaulted

This week end was one of the worse ever in Complejo Terrace. I was woken up early Saturday morning by one of my neighbors to the news that one of my cats was laying in the garden, he was in an really bad state and looked almost dead, my daughter and I had the traumatic experience of having to rush him to the vets in San Miguel.

When we got there the vet thought at first glance that he was dead, they examined him and put him on a machine and he spend the next 24 hours fighting for his life, he has made a recovery and I will be picking him up today.

Then last night we heard of yet another attack on a kitten who is again left fighting for her life. This can not go on, and all this started with an email to our president complaining about the cats in Complejo.

Now I dread waking up in the mornings...

An so it continues:

An update to let you know of the death of a young girl in Donegall in Ireland who died from Toxoplasomosis a parasite she caught from handling cat and dog faeces. This occured in May of this year she died from myocarditis and cardiac arrest caused by the parasite infecting her heart. Does anybody really need any more proof that we do need to address the animal problem in the community areas. I would be obliged if you would circulate to all our owners.

David Giles owner, I did some research on this last night and according to what I read - this can only be passed on through cat faeces if the cat has eaten a rat already infected with the parasite. Domestic cats who are fed a diet of cat food can't catch this and pass it on

In a perfect world there would be no cruelty no deaths and no diseases, we do not live in a perfect world, maybe when we die and go to heaven, there will be no animals there, what a sad thought.

Los Balcones