Help needed.... please

Emaus Children's Home is desperate for help.

The charity has had the funding cut for the orphanages from 70% to 40%.

They are now struggling to pay the utility bills. To ease the pressure the charity are now collecting anything to assist the day-to-day life of the children and babies and need items such as:

Toilet rolls
Soap powder
Applicator tampons
Shower gel
Tooth brushes
Tooth paste
Baby milk formula

It does not matter if these are open packets of half used bottles - they will be grateful for anything.

Along with any other charitable donation possible.
Anything not used within the orphanage is sold to raise money.

OP Group Spain are using our offices in La Marina Urbanisation and La Finca Golf, Algorfa as collection points so please drop anything into us and we will make sure that it gets to the Children's Home.

Thank you in advance.

La Marina

Yup AJs bar have a collection box in there bar for all sorts of stuff mentioned above. Also impact charity support EMAUS childrens home a it states on there window of the shop. With more points to drop off stuff as you have said above it all helps. Q

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-02-28 14:27:57 UTC

Where is your office in la marina

Commented Mick in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:05:23 UTC

This is my Friends office and her name is sam, do you no were the pasty shack is? well its right next door to that. x

Commented lisa in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:11:09 UTC

Where can we take donations Lisa?

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:12:26 UTC

into the OP office ( a place that rents out house), its near the pharmacy and right next door to the pasty shack. xx

Commented lisa in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:14:20 UTC

OK Cheers Lisa x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:16:24 UTC

I know the place thanks.

Commented Mick in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:17:35 UTC

I cannot believe that a Childrens Home could be left bereft of money by the Spanish Government.Obviously I will be donating to this Home to help them,but whatever I give cannot possibly be anywhere near what these children need and deserve.I am sure that anyone reading this will also donate as much as they can afford.For the first time since i came over here five years ago,i can only say that i am disgusted with the government of Spain,To hurt the helpless is such a low cowardly thing to do.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-02-28 16:32:44 UTC

It is true that their funding has been drastically cut. As of January Impact Charity members voted on supporting EMAUS Childrens home in Elche.
It is due to the continued public support, through purchasing goods in the shop, that we are able to keep doing this.
When we delivered the tumble dryer they were using 2 normal household dryers for 26 kids.
Committe members visit the home once or twice a month, sometimes more. If anyone would like further information regarding the children's home in Elche, please pop into the shop for one of our EMAUS leaflets.
If anyone would like to give a gift or donation to the children's home please bring these into the shop where they will be passed onto Annette or Dave (who have been fundraising for EMAUS Children's home in Elche, for the past 8 years).

Commented IMPACT CHARITY in La Marina 2012-02-28 18:08:49 UTC

Hi Guys,
We have your collection box at our bar however All at the Hog's Head would like to help, can we get together for chat at some point, we could run our charity race night to help.
Please call in or give us a call on 966 796 038 & we will do what we can.
All the best

Commented Dell in La Marina 2012-02-28 20:23:02 UTC