J's Bar

We had a lovely evening at J's Bar last Wednesday. We had booked in for a 3 Course meal with Mr Bojangles entertaining. Just one thing ruined it for us - the restaurant did NOT have any Semi-sweet white wine. We asked for this and our free glass of wine was poured out for us, but we had never tasted anything so disgusting in all our lives - it just had an awful tangy taste to it. We even bought a bottle of casera and topped the glass up with this. Myself and two of our party just couldn't drink it even with the casera. I eventually had dry white wine and added casera - this was actually drinkable. We did have a very nice meal and Mr Bojangles was excellent as usual. The Owners and staff were excellent - the young lady who waited on our table was very good. It was very nice to have service with a smile. Please J's Bar could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stock up with Emparado (which is the most popular semi-sweet white wine in Spain), or Aitena which is also very good. Thank's

La Marina

Carry a couple of sachets sweet white suger, and if you want a sparkle try alka Seltza, x

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-11 15:38:02 UTC

Oh very funny Robert ha ha. Actually in that particular wine it wouldn't have hidden that *Orrid* taste. I just hope J's Bar see this request and get some Emparrado in stock for us customers who like a nice semi-sweet white wine when we go out. Most of the restaurants we go to stock this and also a lot of the Chinese restaurants.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-03-11 16:21:32 UTC

Ditto Carol, an excellent night, great food and service and first class entertainment.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-03-11 16:28:43 UTC

just thought i would respond to your note, as dont want you to think we was ignoring you, my ever so lovely computer has been playing up and have been unable to get on tut... But thanks for your comment, Glad you all had a good night. x

Commented lisa in La Marina 2012-03-11 17:34:52 UTC