Residential or Holiday ?

People should remember, the urb was originally built for Holiday's but because after coming a couple of time's or more, they said to themselves "Wouldn't it be nice to live here"!.
So in time they bought their Villa & settled in. After having settled in, they gradually forgot
about all the thing's they liked on their holiday, ie lot's of different Bar's, entertainment,
sitting outside late into the hot sultry night's.
Please go back in your mind & start to remember why you bought. Most likely it was for a holiday house
which later became your home. I have nothing agaist this, but please don't begrudge other people
enjoying their holiday!
I realize it is hard for resident's who bought 20year's ago, who had no idea about any businesses being built around them. But, having said that, if they sell now, even with the recession, they would be well in profit.
For myself, I realize the older I get, the crankier I become, When I was younger I would just have joined in with any entertainment available to me, & certainly never thought or cared about any noise being made.
Inconsiderate maybe but when on holiday people need to have some fun.


La Marina

Well said,and in all honesty so correct.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-29 13:18:45 UTC

Totally Agree

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2012-04-29 14:33:22 UTC

Yes 100% Correct If you were not aware of this urb having been built for holidays then take it as a fact it was and even today many owners come just for a few weeks for Holidays. So back off we do not wish to lose our bars and entertainment.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2012-04-29 15:39:13 UTC

Well said Bonnie. It is so easy to become old and cranky, and it is much easier to be nice. La Marina is not a bad place to live. Me and my family moved out here for the weather and the friendly atmosphere. I am sure we would all be extremely miserable living back in England if only because of the bad weather. La Marina has so much to offer. We have to learn to live and let live. If Joe Bloggs and his wife want to go out every night and have a drink in one of the numerous bars, then why not, he has, in all probability, spent years working long hours to make a living.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2012-04-29 16:19:07 UTC

Well said Bonnie. This little gang of moaners about the kind of place we live in, ie with a bit of music at night should move on else where. As long as it does not go on much after midnight then that is what Spain is About.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-04-29 16:23:14 UTC

Well said Bonnie I agree with you

Commented Dell in La Marina 2012-04-29 17:58:27 UTC

Well said Bonnie - having a good time whilst on holiday is what its all about. After all the urb wouldnt exist if it werent for the holiday makers and the bars wouldnt even be there. OK there has been a downturn in tourists I know that, but the urb was built as you so rightly say for people to come to and have a holiday, holidays mean bars, restaurants and sorry to say but noise..

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-04-29 18:23:25 UTC

If La Marina was the miserable place some people would like it to be, I, for one, would sell up and go somewhere else to live. Come on you miserable lot, be happy with what you have, you could be in the morgue.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-04-29 18:51:16 UTC

Full marks Bonnie. You are so correct in what you say . A few of these miseries are trying to turn us into a Ghost town. We do not want very ,very late night bars and entertainment but just the opportunity to go out of an evening and enjoy ourselves, whether we live here all year or not. That has to go for visitors as well. After all no visitors or tourists will lead to much of the urbanization closing down. So some of you will and are doing a very good job at the moment of putting holiday makers off from coming here at all.

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2012-04-30 07:08:54 UTC

Well done and well said Bonnie agree with you 100%

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-04-30 11:29:32 UTC

I think people are getting a little carried away with the issue of problem bars and their customers.
It is NOT all of the Consum bars that cause problems regards noise.
I do however feel that if some form of proper clamp down is required, maybe this should be a meeting with the Consum Bar owners, the Police and the residents who live VERY close to the bars, (this excludes me) thought I would point that out before the stirrers jumped down my throat !!!
I know that there maybe one or two on here and other forums who want to stir things up a little by referring to the sufferers as wingers etc, however THERE IS A PROBLEM, even the Bar owner from the Hogs Head stated “Jeff please take note I know we have spoken recently, if something’s not done about it soon its going ruin the whole area for residents & business owners alike” (I think he was referring to one of his neighbouring bars were the Police were in attendance yet again at some ungodly hour.
I think a few nice eating establishments along with some form of reasonable entertainment is a nice facility to have on the urb; we don’t all need music at ear splitting levels. I also think that the opening times need to be reviewed, maybe some form of staggered times, outside seating to be removed after X time etc. as noise from the terraced in the early hours seems to be one of the issues affecting a lot of the locals.
The Rowdy late night bars should be stopped and moved off the urb. I also think that San Fulgencio should put a cap on any more bars on the urb; basically there are not enough customers to go around as it is.
We need to sort it out before the 3 or 4 rowdy bars spoil it for everyone.

Commented Syd in Rentals in Spain 2012-04-30 12:21:13 UTC

The Urb is home/holiday place for a mixture of people. Why should the younger generation and young at heart people who live/visit not have the entertainment they like just because other people don’t like it. I don’t really like quizzes and singers etc but I wouldn’t request this entertainment is moved off the urb

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2012-04-30 13:09:35 UTC