Posh Palace

I've only just noticed today that this restaurant has opened next to Chief O'neils on the Consum area. How long has it been there and has anybody tried it yet and is it the same people who had Posh Palace near Mercadona does anyone know.

It is the same owners as the one near to the Mercadona they have been open for over a week I think they have closed the other one and the Posh Pizza and just run this one now

Commented david in La Marina 2012-06-15 21:29:06 UTC

Thanks for that Dave. It's a pity that the commercial centre down by Mercadona hasn't been a success so far.

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-06-16 10:06:33 UTC

Not been to new one as yet, however the old one was brilliant and cant say I'm sorry they have moved up to the Urb as it means no one having to drive.

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2012-06-16 11:21:19 UTC