Thought Of The Day

Reach For Your Star.
Do not take anything as being forever
because forever
is only as long as today.
Know that the people who are richest

are not those who have the most,
but those who need the least.
We are at our strongest

when life is at its worst,
and at our weakest
when life no longer offers a challenge.

It is wiser not to expect
but to hope,
for in expecting you ask for disappointment,
whereas in hoping you invite surprise.

Unhappiness doesn't come
from not having something that you want,
but from the lack of something inside that you need.

There are things to hold on too,
and things to let go,
and letting go doesn't mean you lose,
but that you acquire that which has been waiting
around the corner.

Most of all,
remember to use your dreams
as a way of knowing yourself better,
and as inspiration
to reach for your star.......

Los Balcones

Launch A Speed Boat

Does anyone know where we can launch a speed boat?

[email protected]

Los Balcones

in the harbour in town

Commented dennis gadd in Los Balcones 2011-08-19 10:35:12 UTC

Jukebox Promotions - Comes to Area Disco - Filton Centre

Every Saturday from 20th August, we will be promoting some great Cabaret dance events at this venue. They will feature some fabulous cabaret acts and of course, plenty of dancing!! We will soon open up a new page on this site to give details etc but please come along if you love to go out to a dance (not easy to do here in Spain unless you go to a specific feature event like Line Dancing etc)! You can go to a bar and hear music, to a restaurant and hear music, to a show and listen (maybe dance a bit) but where do you go when you want to have a good nights dancing and entertainment like we used to in the Clubs years ago? Well, this is it guys!!

The AREA venue is underground at The Filton Center and its simply a great place to have a dance night and good cabaret. The owner will be providing FREE table food for the first few events and there is a great bar with good prices. The events will be from 8-30pm until 11-30pm and the ticket / entry price will be just 5 Euros.

There will be a competition to raise funds for Help at Home (Costa Blanca)

The first cabaret dance on Saturday 20th August will feature Jukebox Legends and the fabulous “best Elvis sound around” cabaret ELVIS2000. It’s an appropriate time as the 16th August is the 34th anniversary of the day Elvis died in 1977. So, we will be celebrating the life and songs of the King at this event. If you haven’t seen Elvis 2000 before then you will certainly not want to miss the best Elvis sound you will hear and if you have, you will know how great it is and want to come again!

Watch the new – “Cabaret dances at AREA” (Events page) on this website for details


Dusty Springfield & Elke Brooks tribute show in October 2011

Details of this tour are now on the October page of this website. Take a look, it will amaze you!!


Tickets for the Chas & Dave star Chas Hodges Rock, Rabbit & Roll tour

Tickets for this four gig tour are now available and will be at the three participating venues in the next 24 hours. Please check out the September events page for details and book your tickets very soon as the pre bookings are good and a number of seats have already been taken. These shows are at just 12.00 Euros per ticket and at such great value for money, they are expected to sell out fast. Full details on the September events page NOW.


Fund raising special for Gold medallist GB swimmer Adam Stewart

Jukebox Promotions decides to do a “one off” show in support of fund raising for International Gold medalist swimmer Adam Greig Stewart. Adam suffers from Sowns Syndome but there is now way he lets that hold him back. He is a true inspiration to everyone and we are very pleased to help.

We have arranged a special one off “Broadway & Hollywood” show starring Andy Jones for Thursday September 15th. The show will be at ; AREA, Filton Centre, Los Balcones at 8-30pm.

Adam needs to raise 700 Euros plus to cover vital expenses that will allow him to compete for his Country in Portugal in November 2011. We hope to go a long way to helping raise that money at this special event.

To find out more about this special show, call 695135134.

See the main show information on the September events page!

Tickets will be on sale soon at just 7.50 Euros (groups of 10 paid or more receive 2 FREE)

Los Balcones

Bella Luna - Spanish Duo

Bella Luna: featured on this website will be performing live at St.James´s Gate, Torreta II, next to Mercadona.

Don´t miss your chance to see one of the best entertainers on the Costa Blanca.

starts at 9pm

Los Balcones

Accommodation Los Balcones

Accommodation Rental Properties

Accommodation Los Balcones

Los Balcones

The urbanisation of Los Balcones, is built on the slopes of the "Saline De Torrevieja". This salt lake is a "Parc Natural", a protected wildlife area. The algae in the water gives the lake a pinkish tinge at certain times of the year.

Judging by the well tended gardens of the houses, and its tree lined roads, Los Balcones is a pleasant, mature urbanisation.

The CV-95 route runs through Los Balcones, this route links the N332 coast road with the AP37 motorway, and is the direct road from Torrevieja to San Miguel, and Orihuela.

Los Balcones

do you have an email address please?

Commented Kas in Los Balcones 2011-08-18 15:59:36 UTC

Have you booked for this great Cabaret Dance in Los Balcones yet?

Don't miss this great cabaret dance on Saturday 20th August.
It's the first of a regular Saurday night cabaret dance at the fabulous "AREA" venue at the Filton Centre in Los Balcones.

This week features Jukebox Legends with
the fantastic Elvis 2000 cabaret. 8-30pm and tickets / entry just 5 Euros.
Older, well behaved children can come along and there will be FREE table food
for the first few dance events.

Give it a try - It's different and it's not happening anywhere else!!
Tickets available at "AREA" or call 608908720 / 695135134. Info at

Rock & Roll at the Shakin Stevens tribute shows starting tonight

First night to rock & roll at the Shakin Stevens tribute show!!! Tickets will be available at the door for Asturias tonight (Thursday 18th). Also on the door for Monday 22nd at The Lounge Bar and Tuesday 23rd at Fox on the Fairway. Sdvance booking as advisable with tickets at all sven venues or by calling 695135134.

Shaken Stevens, the UKs top tribute and a whole night of rocking and rolling!!

See Venues, dates & details on last post.


Spanish Lessons - This week's theme: Turismo

Today's word is: la temporada [tem-po-rah'-dah]

In English: season


Aprovecharemos de los precios de la temporada baja. (audio)
We will take advantage of the low season prices.

Spanish Slang: (from Mexico!)

'bajón' - bummer, drag

How to use it:

¡Qué bajón que todos tuvimos gripe!
It was such a drag that we all had the flu.

Los Balcones Life

Last night at the Old Tower Cyber Pub, there was an amazing new sound,

Kevin is putting together a band with Singer, 3 Guitarists, Drummer and Percussion.

They were just jamming but coming from a musical back ground myself, I could tell that they were really coming together.

As the weeks go by and the more they rehearse, and in September after bringing in another Singer, we can look forward to this bands performances with exitment.

We now have Area Disco who have moved from Punta Prima to downstairs in the Filton Centre, with a new sound system fitted, its going to be the place to hang out, listen and enjoy many nights of entertainment.

So now we have Los Balcones on the entertainment map, lets keep it there and support our local talent.

I am very exited about the future of our Filton Centre, Los Balcones.

Los Balcones

Entertainment On the Costa Blanca - Bella Luna

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Bella Luna: Spanish Duo - Juan has to be one of the most popular entertainers here in the Costa Blanca.

If you have not had the pleasure of seeing one of his shows (believe me I have seen hundreds) you really don´t know what you are missing.
This is just a snip of his recent performance with his good friend Alvaro at this year´s La Marina Fiesta:

For more information visit:

Los Balcones
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