Habaneras Shopping Centre, Torrevieja

If you fancy a bit of retail therapy, then the Habaneras Shopping Centre in Torrevieja may be right for you, especially if you are looking for a bit of fashion as they do in Spain. Habaneras Shopping Centre is only 3 minutes from our apartments and around 5 minutes drive. There is plenty of parking available whenyou arrive.

There are 3 floors of modern shops, with cafes and a miniture fairground area on the top floor. The rear of Habaneras also takes you to Torrevieja's large Carrefore superstore.

Just across the road is the Hananeras entertainment center and more places to eat, including a KFC. This area includes

* 10 Pin Bowling
* Casino
* Crazy Golf
* Trampolines
* Cinema. (Spanish)

Please copy and paste the link below into your browser for even more information on Habaneras Shopping Centre.


I hope this information helps you.

Los Balcones