Spanish Lessons

If anyone is interested in Spanish lessons, please get in touch with me at [email protected] or tel/text: Kas 622 03 35 82

Los Balcones

Thought Of The Day

Guilt burns a mark into us that puts us behind emotional bars.

Guilt is the most futile and destructive emotion we have, it eats us from the inside, once a seed is planted into a great monster it grows, its shadow hangs over every other event in our lives. We learn nothing from it except fear, fear of screwing up again, fear of being found out, fear of somebody doing the same to us. It keeps us in denial.

Remorse on the other hand acknowledges we have done wrong, we have hurt or betrayed somebody, we can take responsibility for our actions and the outcome we caused. We can learn from it, be accountable for it, take it a part of our own development. True remorse, not just lip service to get off the hook, sets you free to move on and achieve more with the knowledge we have gained.

Los Balcones

For Sale

Mobility Scooter in good condition, battery capacity 36km, 10 mph.

€520 tel/text: 664 56 21 84 for more details

Los Balcones

U 2 On The Beach

04 August at 21:00 - 05 August at 00:00
Created by:
Robert Bonovox

Los Balcones

Thought Of The Day

Setting goals, being focused and going the extra mile when others give up or give in. There is not a single person that has achieved success that has had a perfect, flawless life. They are all as human and fallible as we are, no magic wands or secret potions, just knowing what it is you really want and going for it. Plot your journey to success.

Los Balcones

New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.

Los Balcones

Linda Sage Mentoring

The Livestream presentation on Linda Sage Mentoring could not be easier now to join on Thursday 28th July at 9pm GMT/BST. Please check these times on the time converter link.


This is part of the series about Becoming an Entrepreneur, though the process of change can be adapted to any area of your life. Thursday I will be talking about Coaching/Mentoring Basic Tools for a business (or entrepreneur business) .

Just go to Linda Sage Mentoring FB Page, under my photo there is a list and Livestream has a Red Icon by the side of the Word Livestream, click on this, or follow this link​ges/Linda-Sage-Mentoring/1​71149859598885?sk=app_1423​71818162

and it will take you to a page like the test card for the TV, click on the Watch Now and I will be there live with you on Thursday 28th July. Don´t forget that there is a live Q & A section as well, so any burning questions just ask.

Any difficulties with connecting drop me a line or to Gary Aggio on FB or aggio0 on Skype, he is my IT Guru and will get you connected.

Looking forward to being with you on Thursday 28th July.


Los Balcones


Pool Pump with filter 1 or 1 1/2 max

tel: Peter 966 799 735
or email: [email protected]

Los Balcones

Thought Of The Day

Smile, say cheese let me take your photo. How does that make you feel? For most of us we are not rushing to check our hair and make up, we are thinking about the quickest way to get out of here!

A photo or bringing attention to yourself by speaking up at a meeting or in public is something that sends fear shooting through us. Why do we let that happen, are we not capable, competent adults? Yes, we are but we are also human and we let fear limit us, but fear only exists if we let it. If you were guaranteed a great photo of yourself every single time, would you still run away from a camera or would it be your new best friend?

Los Balcones

Family Language Exchange

Family Language Exchange
A lovely Spanish family husband, wife, 2 girls aged 10 and 13 want to practice their English in a more social way other than in a classroom. Are looking for a similar family.

They are willing to exchange Spanish support for anyone learning who wants to improve their conversation level.

Los Balcones
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