Jo - Singer

Jo - Singer
Singer Entertainer

New kid on the block Jo is located at Los Balcones.

Singer Entertainer she will singing every Friday Night from October 14 at La Fresia, Irish Bar, Filton Centre, Los Balcones

Available for private parties etc.,

email: [email protected]
or tel/text: 622 23 35 82

Los Balcones

Hola Spanish Conversation Club

Last night Old Tower Cyber Pub started it´s Hola Spanish Conversation Club, we all sat round a table outside on the balcony in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, what a joy to be able to sit outside on a warm evening in October, amoungs Spanish German and Welsh people all enjoying their comnpany.

The rules were that we had to hold a conversation only in Spanish from 7pm to 8pm, not easy but Peter and Catarina were there to correct us when we got the words verbs and pronuciations wrong.

We next get together on Friday Night at 7pm til 8pm, after some of us will be going to support one of our members Jo who will be singing at La Fresia Bar downstairs.

Los Balcones

The Promised Land

Over five thousand years ago Moses said to the children of Israel "pick
up your shovel, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the
Promised Land."

Nearly 50 years ago, Harold Wilson said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on
your asses, and light up a camel, this is the Promised Land."

Then Gordon Brown stole your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price
of camels, and mortgaged the Promised Land.

Now David Cameron has loaned my shovel to a third World country, (he
hasn't realised yet that WE are now a third World country), raised my
fuel bills, lent my money to a crowd of incompetent, greedy "merchant
bankers" and increased VATto 20%.

I got so depressed last night I called the Samaritans, they diverted my
call to a call centre in Pakistan . I told them I was suicidal, they got
all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

Los Balcones

Art Classes at Lo Marabu

There are two or three places available at the art classes on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at Lo Marabu restaurant on the Lemon Tree Road, Quesada near the La Laguna Hotel. Beginners are welcome as well as artists who like to work in Acrylics, pastel and watercolour. Call Suzanne on 680 961 025 or see for more information.

Los Balcones

Jo Sings at La Fresia

This Friday local girl Jo will be singing at La Fresia Bar, Filton Centre, long with the FREE CURRY and TAPAS Night, promises to be a good night.

Come along and support Jo on her first singing at La Fresia.

Los Balcones

Animal Haters - Complejo Terrace

An update to let you know of the death of a young girl in Donegall in Ireland who died from Toxoplasomosis a parasite she caught from handling cat and dog faeces. This occured in May of this year she died from myocarditis and cardiac arrest caused by the parasite infecting her heart. Does anybody really need any more proof that we do need to address the animal problem in the community areas. I would be obliged if you would circulate to all our owners.

David Giles owner, I did some research on this last night and according to what I read - this can only be passed on through cat faeces if the cat has eaten a rat already infected with the parasite. Domestic cats who are fed a diet of cat food can't catch this and pass it on

Kas Wells owner, no doubt that there is a plot by morons to kill the animals in Complejo Terrace!

In a perfect world there would be no cruelty no deaths and no diseases, we do not live in a perfect world, maybe when we die and go to heaven, there will be no animals there, what a sad thought.

Los Balcones

Spanish Conversation Club

A Spanish Life - Los Balcones

Daily Diary message:

Spanish Conversation Club - Old Tower Cyber Pub
Los Balcones Spanish Conversation Group • Kas

Old Tower Cyber Pub Spanish Conversation Club starting October 12, Wednesdays and Fridays 7pm - 8pm

An informal group to include everyday topics, aimed at the individual who would like to be able to converse with their Spanish friends and associates.

Tel: 966 799 735 for more details.

Los Balcones

Computer Training

Classes now started we have 8 people signed up, there are sessions for beginners and advanced.

The course will take 5 weeks, twice 2 hours per week, the moderator will show you how to perform procedures step by step; you are advised to make notes and try this between classes either with your own computer or on our machines.

The fee will be 70€ and includes (during the course) computer usage in our premises (also wifi if you bring your own).

Please note that there are neither certifications nor diplomas, just practical exercise, which (according to our opinion) will enhance your basic computer skills.

Los Balcones

Complejo Terrace - 2 Cats Brutally Assaulted

This week end was one of the worse ever in Complejo Terrace. I was woken up early Saturday morning by one of my neighbors to the news that one of my cats was laying in the garden, he was in an really bad state and looked almost dead, my daughter and I had the traumatic experience of having to rush him to the vets in San Miguel.

When we got there the vet thought at first glance that he was dead, they examined him and put him on a machine and he spend the next 24 hours fighting for his life, he has made a recovery and I will be picking him up today.

Then last night we heard of yet another attack on a kitten who is again left fighting for her life. This can not go on, and all this started with an email to our president complaining about the cats in Complejo.

Now I dread waking up in the mornings...

An so it continues:

An update to let you know of the death of a young girl in Donegall in Ireland who died from Toxoplasomosis a parasite she caught from handling cat and dog faeces. This occured in May of this year she died from myocarditis and cardiac arrest caused by the parasite infecting her heart. Does anybody really need any more proof that we do need to address the animal problem in the community areas. I would be obliged if you would circulate to all our owners.

David Giles owner, I did some research on this last night and according to what I read - this can only be passed on through cat faeces if the cat has eaten a rat already infected with the parasite. Domestic cats who are fed a diet of cat food can't catch this and pass it on

In a perfect world there would be no cruelty no deaths and no diseases, we do not live in a perfect world, maybe when we die and go to heaven, there will be no animals there, what a sad thought.

Los Balcones

Joe Longthorne in Concert

Night Out Promotions working together with Personality Artistes Ltd Present Joe LongThorne '' A Man And His Music ''
Live at the Teatro Municipal, Torrevieja
On Monday 10th October 2011
Show starts 8pm
Tickets are priced at 25 basic, 35 Improved view, 50 premium seats and a few after show party passes still available.
Tickets are available from the theatre box office, or contact Night Out Promotions on 966 732 215 or 672 885 418
or visit

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